Monday, November 19, 2012


An Infographic is a visual presentation of information, it can be a diagram, a chart or a pictorial representation.  You can create one to use in a presentation or print out and post it to a display board.  Located in the right-hand column of the webpage you will find an Infographic Livebinder.   Click on the binder and you will find information about how to create an infographic, a number of different types of tools for you to use, links to already created infographics and also links to data sources to gather statistical information to make your own infographic.,, and Piktochart are the easiest tools to use to create your own infographic.  Click on the Data Sources for statistical information to use in your development.  If you would like to use an infographic already created click on the tab Infographics, just remember to cite your source if you use someone else's creation.