The librarians from UNCW, CFCC and the NHCPL came to speak to Ashley High School's senior English classes about the resources available for conducting research in each of their respective libraries. Seniors are working on their Graduation Projects.
If you need to get to the presentation and links they created for you, please go to the Parent and Student Resources page and click on Getting Started On Your Senior Project. Remember they came here to make sure that you are aware of the resources they have and also to encourage you to make use of their services.
If you are planning on attending a 4-year college or university next year, it would be a good idea to visit UNCW as Ms. Kaylor and Ms. Raymer mentioned, so that you become aware of how those types of libraries are organized.
L to R - Susan DeMarco, Beth Kaylor, Carla Sarratt, Melissa Raymer, and Jacob Deininger.